Comment 0 for bug 1304742

Revision history for this message
dann frazier (dannf) wrote :

On arm64, juju --version reports being on armhf:

ubuntu@dannf1:~$ uname -m
ubuntu@dannf1:~$ juju --version

The issue is that arch.go uses archREs to footprint the architecture based on "runtime.GOARCH". However, as per the comment var above archREs, it is a map of `uname -m` output to juju arch. In the case of arm64, runtime.GOARCH != `uname -m`. runtime.GOARCH is "arm64" and `uname -m` is "aarch64".

This may just be a cosmetic problem, but I do see version.Current used in various places (e.g. to look for upgrades), so just in case there be dragons here....