Comment 0 for bug 1248283

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Kent Baxley (kentb) wrote : Juju deploy of Charm in MAAS provider failing after successful bootstrap. Juju status stuck in “Pending” state

I'm running a MAAS and Juju enviornment using 64-bit Ubuntu Server 13.10 for the MAAS node as well as all juju nodes, including the bootstrap node.

I can't seem to deploy any charms to the nodes without the services getting stuck in a 'pending' state. The problem seems to be that upon charm deployment dbus for some reason is stopped, and thus the whole process of deploying the charm gets stuck.

It is almost verbatim of the problem someone appears to have hit on raring, too:

For me, however, it's not just's any service I try to deploy.

juju release: 1.16.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10.1~juju1
maas version: 1.4+bzr1693+dfsg-0
Ubuntu OS: 13.10, 64-bit for everything

Steps to reproduce:

1) Set up a maas server using 13.10 with all the latest updates.
2) Install juju-core from the stable ppa (1.16.2 in this case).
3) Enlist and commission some nodes.
4) download some charms locally (I'm in a semi-restricted network environment, so, it's easier for me to pull down the charms locally). For example, bzr branch lp:charms/rabbitmq-server
5) bootstrap the juju environment. Due to restrictions in my network I have to use "juju bootstrap --upload-tools". Firewall blocks the ability to run "juju sync-tools" beforehand.
6) Once the environment is bootstrapped, try to deploy a charm. This is what I used:

juju deploy --repository=charms/ local:rabbitmq-server --show-log.

Actual results:

Installation of the OS goes fine, along with the cloud-init after reboot. I can also ssh into the node via juju.
The charm, however, stays in a 'pending' state long after it is deployed on the server.
ssh-ing into the node and looking at /var/log/juju/machine-x.log reveals that the deployment stage fails due to being unable to connect to the system bus.
This seems to prevent the charm from ever deploying.

Expected results:
OS installs and charm deploys without issue.

I can work around this by ssh-ing into the node and starting dbus by hand. I then go back and re-deploy the charm via juju using:

juju destroy-unit rabbitmq-server/0

juju destroy-service rabbitmq-server

juju deploy --to 1 --repository=charms/ local:rabbitmq-server --show-log

At that point everything starts working again. I can even deploy another charm onto the same machine without problems once dbus is up and going.

I'm not sure what or why dbus is failing to start and I can't tell if dbus was running and it suddenly shut down prior to charm deployment.

I've attached a machine log from an attempt to deploy rabbitmq-server onto a bare metal node using 13.10. The same thing happens to any charm I try to deploy in this manner.

Let me know if you need anything else.