Comment 0 for bug 1246320

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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

I cannot bootstrap an azure environment that I could bootstrap 2 weeks ago. The azure-provider fails getting the OS image. Today and in the past, I used juju 1.16.0 to bootstrap. I think something outside of juju has changed

My config relies on the defaults except for the fact that I set the tools-urls to a testing location. Using the real tools location does not help. I have tried setting combinations of image-metadata-url, default-series, and image-stream to get past the error, but no success.

From the pastebin :
    2013-10-29 22:55:14 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:888
    finding products at path "streams/v1/"
    2013-10-29 22:55:32 ERROR juju supercommand.go:282
    cannot start bootstrap instance: POST request failed: BadRequest - The versioning
    header is not specified or was specified incorrectly. (http code 400: Bad Request)

@wallyworld investigated the issue for a while

Azure is rejecting certain API calls complaining the
version we are putting in the request header is wrong, when according to the
Azure doco we are sending the right version, and nothing is supposed to have
changed. Hmmmm. But not all API calls are affected.

Also, there's a separate issue with Go going tits up with a closed connection
error. This is sort of a timing issue which is a limitation of how Go's http lib
is implemented. We worked around it in gomaasapi, and the same fix was aplied to
gwacl, but it seems not to have fixed it there.