Comment 2 for bug 1168154

Revision history for this message
Roger Peppe (rogpeppe) wrote :

> There is a case to be made that we could somewhat extend the
> range of situations in which unit.Destroy directly removes the unit,
> so that it's considered fair game up until the first moment the agent
> sets status -- is this what you're looking for?

That wouldn't fix this problem - the agent has set the status
but it's an error state, so presumably the uniter is refusing
to do anything until the error state is resolved.
And indeed, when I marked the unit as resolved, everything
proceeded as expected and the service disappeared.

Here's a one possibility for what happens when the uniter
sees Dying:

- If we haven't successfully run the install and start hooks,
just die.
- Run the stop hook (even if we're in an error state);
if it fails, we leave the unit in the stop hook's error state,
otherwise we die.

> I am much more concerned about the buildbot failure, though. Do you
> know anything about its cause?

it tried to do "apt-get install -y --force-yes python-shell-toolbox" which failed (error: Unable to locate package python-shell-toolbox)