Comment 0 for bug 56407

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Lange (jml) wrote :

The 'hit' command should allow the player to specify
 * their OCV
 * the target
 * the target's DCV
 * the damage of their attack
 * the target's defenses, including
   * normal defence
   * resistant defence
   * possibly damage reduction
 * the END cost of the player's attack

When this information is not specified, it should be obtained from statistics set with the 'set' command.

      <RAOF> hit goblin1
      <joybot> goblin1 hit for 4 STUN 1 BODY

(with aliases)
      <RAOF> def sword dmg=2d6k OCV=+1 END=3
      <RAOF> def martial-strike OCV=+2 DCV=-1 dmg=+2DC
      <RAOF> hit goblin1 martial-strike sword
      <joybot> goblin1 hit for 20 STUN 10 BODY
      <RAOF> def sword-slash martial-strike sword
      <RAOF> hit goblin1 sword-slash
      <joybot> [[some damage data here]]
      <RAOF> def deathball OCV=15 dmg=10d6k
      <GM> hit RAOF from=goblin1
      <joybot> goblin1 misses RAOF

The syntax of the hit command might look like this:
      hit [<target>] <attack>
      <attack> ::= OCV=<value>, DCV=<value>, DMG=<damage>
      <value> ::= <integer> | <modifier>
      <damage> ::= <killing> | <normal> | <damage class>