Comment 10 for bug 85793

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Laszlo Pandy (laszlok) wrote :


1. This looks like this bug. Notice it is failing to open the alsasrc (ALSA *input*), thus it fails to record, as the title of this bug describes.
2. This is entirely different. Notice that it is failing open alsasink (ALSA *output*). This is a problem with playback and it not related to this recording bug.

However I do have a solution for the 2nd problem. It is trying to set the device to "value" which used to be the default in preferences unless you chose a device. I think your config file might be keeping it from when you used an older version of Jokosher. To fix it just open ~/.jokosher/config with your favourite text editor and under the heading "[Playback]" change "device = value" to "device = default".