Comment 1 for bug 436827

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Laszlo Pandy (laszlok) wrote :

Yup #2 is a really good idea.

But I don't think we want to do #1. If we delete the files, then we have to delete all of the user's undo history because
a) if the user deleted that audio from the timeline in the past it wouldn't work when we restored it, and
b) most undo operations are dependent on the operation that comes before, so we can't delete undo operations one at a time (plus it would be confusing if we did).

Certainly asking the user to delete unused things every time they close is far too annoying. To me this is like asking the user to remove unused shortcuts and empty the trash every time they logout. Many years ago there was discussion around an option I put in to purge the undo stack. The consensus was that this is really not something the user should have to worry about and its even less concerning now that available hard drive space is not usually an issue.

We also did plan to put in some project export options, for example bundling up your project to give to a friend. This would have options to remove unused data and compress and tar up the project for easy sharing. That hasn't been implemented yet, but it probably should be.