Comment 3 for bug 272608

Revision history for this message
kenden (kenden) wrote :

I have the same problem on Ubuntu lucid with Jokosher 0.11.5

Here are the steps in use to repro:
Start Jokosher normally (or in safe-mode)
Open project
Add an accoustic guitar instrument (or vocal)
Press record (no green waveforms displayed)
Press record again (or stop)
--> Error message is displayed "Error loading file: None".

media@umedia:~$ jokosher -d
Filling LADSPA Registry
  0 LADSPA effects loaded
 Reading in presets...
Cannot find "directsoundsink" plugin, disabling: "directsoundsink"
Cannot find "osxaudiosink" plugin, disabling: "osxaudiosink"
Cannot find "dshowaudiosrc" plugin, disabling: "dshowaudiosrc"
Cannot find "osxaudiosrc" plugin, disabling: "osxaudiosrc"
Loading extensions:
 importing extension
 importing extension
 importing extension
 importing extensions from directory /usr/share/jokosher/extensions
Pidgin Extension: Couldn't connect to the pidgin dbus interface. Is pidgin running?
 cannot register extension PidginExtension-0.1-py2.6
 importing extensions from directory /home/media/.local/share/jokosher/extensions
Attempting to open: /home/media/jokosherprojecttest2/jokosherprojecttest2.jokosher
Using custom pipeline for audio sink: autoaudiosink
added project playback bin to the pipeline
added adder0 to project playbackbin
added levelcaps to project playbackbin
added audioconvert0 to project playbackbin
added MasterLevel to project playbackbin
added bin0 to project playbackbin
Loading project file version 0.11.1
can not record
added instrument playbackbin to adder playbackbin 0
linked instrument playbackbin to adder (project)
LOG COMMAND: ('P', 'DeleteInstrument', [0]) from 157237900
can record
pre-record state: GST_STATE_NULL
Cannot list devices: property probe not supported on elementfactory626
unlinked instrument playbackbin from adder
removed instrument playbackbin from project playbackbin
create file source
Using pipeline: gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! level name=recordlevel ! audioconvert ! flacenc ! filesink name=sink
Recording in single-input mode
Using input track: 0
adding recordingbin
play() in
current state: GST_STATE_NULL
Preparing the controller
FADE POINT: time(0.00) vol(0.99)
FADE POINT: time(0.00) vol(0.99)
Set extra zero fade point
just set state to PAUSED
Stop pressed, about to set state to READY
current state: GST_STATE_PLAYING
LOG COMMAND: ('I0', 'DeleteEvent', [1]) from 157336876
Terminating recording.
State just set to READY
Removing recordingEvents bin
set state to NULL
added instrument playbackbin to adder playbackbin 0
linked instrument playbackbin to adder (project)
Event Bus Error Message:
 Code: 4
 Domain: gst-stream-error-quark
 Message: Stream contains no data.
Event bus error: Could not determine type of stream. gsttypefindelement.c(939): gst_type_find_element_activate (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0/GstTypeFindElement:typefind:
Can't typefind empty stream
LOG COMMAND: ('I0', 'ResurrectEvent', [1]) from 157298028