Comment 2 for bug 272608

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Michael Sheldon (michael-sheldon) wrote :

Hi Stephen,

 Jokosher 0.10.1 should have no trouble detecting the Lexicon Omega USB (I've just purchased one myself). If you go to "Project -> Recording Inputs" and select the "USB Audio #1 input 0" device listed there you'll be able to record from inputs 1 and 2 on the device (as a single stereo track).

 By default Jokosher will be recording from your internal sound card (or whatever your system has setup as the ALSA default), so if you could try doing the above and see if you still get the same issue we can see whether it's related to your internal sound card or if it's a different problem.

 Also, make sure you're using the official 0.10.1 package for now, don't use a bzr checkout of the very latest code, as this device triggers bug #305988 (I'm currently working on resolving this, so it shouldn't be an issue in 0.11).
