Comment 2 for bug 660669

Revision history for this message
Alex Chiang (achiang) wrote :

Hi mpt,

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

Looking at the wireframes in the wiki, how does the user choose between Nvidia driver 163 (proprietary, tested) and Nvidia driver 165 (proprietary)? Is a higher version number better? Or is it better to be tested?

I personally find this text hard to parse: "This device may work poorly without a proprietary driver". I find that sentence constructions using a negative suggestion like "without" require a bit more effort to process than constructions using positive suggestions, such as "This device may perform better with a proprietary driver".

[although that construction introduces its own problems... "better" than what, exactly? still, I find "poorly... without" to be close enough to a double negative that it's unnatural to process. YMMV of course]

Regarding the new text you propose:

"Proprietary drivers have private code that Ubuntu developers can’t review or improve. Security and other updates are dependent on the driver vendor."

I think it is a huge improvement.

I'll make one tiny suggestion for the second sentence: "Security and other updates are dependent on the responsiveness of the driver vendor." For the cost of the extra words, you've conveyed a timeliness expectation for the updates in addition to clarifying the origination of the updates. But I feel this is crossing into bikeshedding territory, so take the suggestion for what it's worth.

The final text you propose, "This computer may work better..." is great.

Thanks again.