Comment 1 for bug 1114984

Revision history for this message
Martin Mrazik (mrazik) wrote :

From :

>> There is one issue, though -- fasttrack merges. I just noticed a pointless
>> merge and as far as I can see it is because the autolanding was triggered
>> while the other generic-land (which I started manually due to some unrelated
>> bug) was still running.
>> OTOH the problem is probably not introduced by this branch and explains why
>> I'm seeing these pointless merges every now and then.
> I was wrong about this. It is a newly introduced regression. OTOH solving this
> would most likely add yet another level of complexity and:
> 1. even if it happens nothing really bad happens (just the pointless merge
> error)
> 2. it shouldn't be happening very often as the generic-land is usually
> finished in 15 mins (the time between to triggering operations)

Right. The fasttrack MPs never call the autolanding job, they go straight to generic-land. As this new method looks for the MPs that were started from the autolanding job, it won't find a downstream build due to the upstream check.

I agree that we are safe for now as long as the second generic-land does not change the state of the MP from Merged to something else.