Comment 0 for bug 1946484

Revision history for this message
Gareth Woolridge (moon127) wrote : Deploy and relate of jenkins/jenkins-slave from charmstore with additional matrix authentication configured, slaves unable to start and connect #116 Deploy and relate of jenkins/jenkins-slave from charmstore with additional matrix authentication configured, slaves unable to start and connect #116 Deploy and relate of jenkins/jenkins-slave from charmstore with additional matrix authentication configured, slaves unable to start and connect

Deploy cs:jenkins (36) and cs:jenkins-slave (13) eg current in charm store with additional Matrix Authentication / security plugins.

juju add-relation jenkins jenkins-slave - both machines in the same model under local lxd provider or openstack in same tenant.

Jenkins slave is able to retrieve the .jar and agent.jnlp but fails to start with:

Oct 08 11:05:33 juju-a0c0ef-prod-jenkaas-is-4 bash[14930]: file:/var/lib/jenkins/agent.jnlp?encrypt=true doesn't look like a JNLP file; content type was null

This looks to be related to enabling security in /etc/default/jenkins-slave (via the relation):



If we break the relation and set the master_url to same http://:8080> as was used via the relation, no security is set and with Matrix Auth setup allowing anonymous user to connect slave this works:


This looks like an issue related to authentication, perhaps when Matrix Auth is configured - as will be be in many use cases.