Comment 25 for bug 865158

Revision history for this message
In , Bug-z (bug-z) wrote :

"--pid" is incorrect according to man but is correct according to start-stop-daemon ('-p'='--pi'='--pid'='--pidfile').

> btw... this does not resolve the problem that it did not stop jabberd2 services
> if they will be removed from the config file (e.g. old SMs).
It's the same situation like in clamav (if you disable clamd then /etc/init.d/clamd stop doesn't stop clamd, only freshclam would be stopped). I don't think this is big problem.
About creating pidfile. Imho it's better daemon creates pidfile by self, option --make-pidfile in start-stop-daemon is workaround for programs which aren't able to do it by self.