Comment 1 for bug 625114

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David Coles (dcoles) wrote :

I can confirm that this is a problem for Firefox 3.6 on Windows when trying to open a 680.0 kB CSV file.

If you wait for Firefox to tell you a script is making the browser unresponsive you can stop the script and edit the file (though you only get ~1/2 the line numbers).

The file editor is really designed for small scripts and so may not handle large files very well. This seems to be a recurring problem with almost any Javascript based editor. At this time the best option would be to use Excel or a similar program to view large CSV files (CSV files in the editor are pretty hard to look at).

Perhaps we can disable the Javascript editor on files greater than a certain threshold? Another option is a dedicated CSV table editor.

Chrome 5.0 seems to open the file fine.
IE8 opens the file, but does not show line numbering beyond the second line.