Comment 1 for bug 492549

Revision history for this message
William Grant (wgrant) wrote :

I don't think it's productive to create Assesseds immediately on project creation;
that's expensive, makes it harder to delete projects later, and causes problems if a
group is created or a student joins after the project is created!

You'll note that Assessed has a static method 'get'. You should be using that when
granting an extension, as it will create the correct Assessed if it doesn't already

The way I envisage it working is that the the 'Grant extension' link will point to
something like /subjects/info1/2009/1/+projects/phase1/wgrant/+grantextension.
ExtensionView's __init__ will call Assessed.get(stuff, from, url), and everybody will
be happy.

That just means that you have to generate the table of Assesseds that have not yet
submitted the project without having the Assessed objects themselves. You could craft
a Storm query to get that information easily enough, although things would be easier
if we didn't have Assessed in the first place.