Comment 1 for bug 1611279

Revision history for this message
Dao Cong Tien (tiendc) wrote :

Andrey: Thanks for reporting the bug. I am the author of part of Socat console source code that relates to this issue.

I want to propose an idea for fixing it. The below code in ironic/drivers/modules/ should be considered:

// Line 289 and 291 (def start_socat_console())
arg = 'TCP6-LISTEN:%(port)s,bind=[%(host)s],reuseaddr,fork

Because IPMI SoL doesnot support multi-connection, then the use of the config value 'fork' here is redundant and causes the issue. My idea is to remove that config value from the command. Please recheck the solution and upload your fix to gerrit if you are happy with it. Thanks.