Comment 1 for bug 1526352

Revision history for this message
Vladyslav Drok (vdrok) wrote :

Copy of whiteboard:

Addressed by:
  Allow clean reservation at update node

Based on discussion in yesterday's meeting
I am going to target the related bug report to I-2 (it's already set to HIGH priority), and also lower this blueprint's priority and untarget it from the Icehouse cycle. We need a way to manually break locks held by dead conductors and prevent users from setting a lock in the API (both addressed by the bug) but we don't need automatic, time-based lock timeouts (discussed at the summit, fraught with potential issues).

--Devananda, 2013-12-10

Gerrit topic:,topic:bug/1250348,n,z

Addressed by:
    Allow clean reservation at update node

Gerrit topic:,topic:bp/breaking-resource-locks,n,z

Addressed by:
    Minor update for _check_clear_reservation

Addressed by:
    Add ability to break TaskManager locks via REST API

I'm still inclined to see this work happen, personally...
// jroll 2015-10-15