Comment 0 for bug 1495241

Revision history for this message
Wang Wei (wangw-fnst) wrote :

In Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7, when ironic was installed,
the services (openstack-ironic-api, openstack-ironic-conductor)
are neither active nor configured as started automatically at boot time.
And there has no such problem in Ubuntu.

In this case, after installed, we need to use commands 'systemctl start xxx' and
'systemctl enable xxx' to start and enable those services in Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7.

So, in 'Bare Metal service Installation Guide',
we should change the install section as follow:

Before changed
Install from packages:

    Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) or higher:
        apt-get install ironic-api ironic-conductor python-ironicclient

    RHEL7/CentOS7/Fedora 21 or higher:
        yum install openstack-ironic-api openstack-ironic-conductor python-ironicclient

After changed
Install from packages and configure services:

     Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) or higher:
        sudo apt-get install ironic-api ironic-conductor python-ironicclient

    RHEL7/CentOS7/Fedora 21 or higher:
        sudo yum install openstack-ironic-api openstack-ironic-conductor python-ironicclient
        sudo systemctl enable openstack-ironic-api openstack-ironic-conductor
        sudo systemctl start openstack-ironic-api openstack-ironic-conductor