Comment 0 for bug 1382164

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Chris Krelle (nobodycam) wrote : get_image_mb in /drivers/modules/ not accurate.

the get_image_mb function is used when checking for free disk space. This check may not be valid for all drivers as some drivers (like iscsi) also convert the image to RAW format.

for drivers that do convert the image to another format such as raw we should also be checking the images virtual size and The compressed size as both need to be held on the disk for deployment.

(seed)nobodycam@nobodycam-HP-EliteBook-8460p:~/tripleo$ qemu-img info basicNew.qcow2
image: basicNew.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 1.5G (1560084480 bytes)
disk size: 319M
cluster_size: 65536

I have seen deploys error because of lack of disk space:
Stderr: 'qemu-img: error while writing sector 2768741: No space left on device\n'