Comment 2 for bug 366334

Revision history for this message
Brian Granger (ellisonbg) wrote :

Here is an IPython session showing this bug:

In [4]: from IPython.platutils import find_cmd

In [5]: from IPython.platutils import get_long_path_name

In [6]: cmd = find_cmd('ipython')

In [7]: cmd
Out[7]: 'C:\\Python25\\Scripts\\ipython.exe'

In [8]: _ip.IP.getout
_ip.IP.getoutput _ip.IP.getoutputerror

In [8]: _ip.IP.getoutput(cmd+'')
Out[8]: ''

In [9]: _ip.IP.getoutput('ipython')
Out[9]: ''

I spent some time looking around and getoutput uses genutils.getoutput, which uses os.popen. The odd thing is when I use os.popen3, to get the stderr, it hangs and when I use CTRL-C to abort, IPython crashes hard. :-(