Comment 6 for bug 103210

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Ketil Malde (ketil-ii) wrote :

Me three.

Dell C620 with ipw3945, lots of packets dropped, note the "Invalid misc" and "RX dropped" in the information below. (Checks to see nobody is listening:) As things seem to be much better connecting to my neighbor's unprotected LAN (SpeedTouch ADSL with wireless, I think), I tried disabling WEP, but it doesn't help against my router (Billionton el-cheapo model).

There appears to be an abundance of people reporting similar problems, but the only "fix" I've seen so far is to replace the router and/or the wifi card.

Here's the relevant output. It seems pretty clear that "invalid misc" wifi packets in turn become RX dropped packets on the eth1 interface (closely correlated numbers). The enourmous packet drop rate means that web pages load extremely slowly, and often fail entirey. Other computers work against this router, and mine work against others (at least better than this), so my guess is some sort of incompatibility.

eth1 IEEE 802.11b ESSID:"TV4"
          Mode:Managed Frequency:2.467 GHz Access Point: 00:04:ED:01:34:18
          Bit Rate:11 Mb/s Tx-Power:15 dBm
          Retry limit:15 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
          Power Management:off
          Link Quality=84/100 Signal level=-50 dBm Noise level=-51 dBm
          Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:128018 Missed beacon:0

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:19:D2:6C:82:10
          inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::219:d2ff:fe6c:8210/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:11526 errors:3523 dropped:131870 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:11301 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:264255001 (252.0 MiB) TX bytes:32472518 (30.9 MiB)
          Interrupt:17 Base address:0x4000 Memory:ecfff000-ecffffff