Comment 0 for bug 2008519

Revision history for this message (pragyan) wrote :

[Feature Description]
Ubuntu uses powersave governor as the default.While the powersave governor has much lower power, the performance is lower than +25% for several workloads compared to performance governor.

Report is published: showing difference of 37%

The goal here is to keep mean performance delta of powersave governor
from performance governor around 10% to 12% by running wide variety
of server workloads. For some bursty workload, this delta can be still
large, as ramp up of frequency will still lag with powersave governor
irrespective of EPP setting. The performance governor always requests
maximum frequency.

Based on experiments, EPP of 0x00, 0x10, 0x20, the performance delta for
powersave governor is around 12%. But the EPP 0x20 has 18% lower average

Also experiments are done by raising intel_pstate sysfs min_perf_pct as
high as 50%. This didn't bring in any additional improvements compared
to just changing EPP.

Target Kernel: 6.3
Target Release: 22.04 (5.15 kernel)

[HW/SW Information]
Sapphire Rapids

[Business Justification]
Performance Improvements

Upstream: Merged 6.3
Commit ID: To be added