Comment 61 for bug 179988

Revision history for this message
Ulferikson (ulferikson) wrote :

Alvin Penner:
> Sorry for the delay in responding. Unfortunately, I can't try the
> patch because I don't compile the code myself, I run from the
> win32 nightly builds.

Ok. But.. I think the nightly builds are from the trunk not the 0.46 branch. Maybe not all that important for this bug though. Trunk has the same issue.

> If anyone wants to patch and build their own binaries to test, I
> have updated the following page on the Wiki to help the process.

Again, I think the snapshots are from the trunk. You might want to add a blob about TortoiseSVN and how to pull the latest source from the repository. The URL to use would be:
Tortoise is also a nice tool to use when applying patches.

> jarks, Do you see a crash when printing any file or only files
> with text? Did you try to print as bitmap? Does "Save as.. pdf"
> crash for you too? What if you select "Convert text to paths"?

What a mess.. You can ignore my suggestion to compare with saving the file as pdf. The "Save as.. pdf" uses the printer interface and the "Print (with vectors)" uses the output interface and an "experimental" renderer. They both use cairo but don't share code. While the old postscript backend used the same code for both saving and printing