Comment 11 for bug 973195

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

@John - initial tests with Inkscape 0.48+devel r11384+973195.color.v1.patch look ok to me.

Tested builds:
- Mac OS X 10.5.8 (32bit), Gtk+/X11 2.24.8, glib 2.28.8, Apple GCC 4.2.1
- OS X 10.7.4 (64bit), Gtk+/X11 2.24.10, glib 2.32.3, Apple llvm-gcc-4.2
- OS X 10.7.4 (64bit), Gtk+/Quartz 2.24.10, glib2 2.32.3, Apple llvm-gcc-4.2
- OS X 10.7.4 (64bit), Gtk+/X11 2.24.10, glib 2.32.3, FSF GCC 4.6.3

Related questions:
1) The current patch (or the recently added function gr_ellipsize_text() ) appears to display a larger portion of the last part of the resource name - maybe the ellipses could be "moved" to display a larger portion of the first part of the resource name? ISTM that the first part of the color profile name (or other truncated resource names) is often more significant than additional identifiers at the end.

Sample original names:

Current ellipses: ( 8 3 14 )

Proposed ellipses:( 12 3 10)

or symmetric: (11 3 11)

2) Naive question (out of curiosity): Any reason not to use a real ellipsis "…" (single character: HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, Unicode: U+2026)?