Comment 0 for bug 971099

Revision history for this message
mgarde (michael-garde) wrote :

When i save a file using the save as dialog, and choose to save as another file type, the new file extension is not appended to the file name.

1. Open an svg file. Lets call it "file.svg"
2. Select Save As from the file menu. Filename box reads "file"
2. Choose another filetype (lets say "eps") and click save
* file is saved as "file" with no file extension
Expected result:
* file is saved as "file.eps"

Further observations
* When clicking save as again, the save as procedure works as expected and appends the filename, however, the save as dialog is in a different directory. In my case it always goes back 4 directories (equivalent to 4 times "cd ..") relative to the directory of the original file. Furthermore the filename has been changed to (in my case) "Mat 4". I can't seem to figure out the pattern for the filename, as it has nothing to do with the original filename. It could be that it was derived from the name of the last "going-back-4-directories" directory, as this is called "Mat 4. sem".