Comment 37 for bug 942050

Revision history for this message
David Mathog (mathog) wrote :

This one shows the problem F064 character selected. (Through the XML editor).

On the canvas it is invisible, once it is selected (see below) only the little square handle is visible.

In the text and font area this character is shown as a little rectangle with 4 characters (presumable F,0,6, and 4) inside. That is what should show up in the canvas too, or a delta character, or even a question mark, but in any case some indicator that they are present.

These invisible characters are really a pain because most of the time they cannot be selected with "select all", the only way to make them visible is with the XML editor. By "most of the time" I mean the following: immediately after import from a WMF file and ungroup they may be selected with "select all" or the XML editor - they may not be selected with the arrow tool (by dragging a selection rectangle around them). However, once saved in an SVG file, inkscape closed, inkscape restarted, open the SVG file, they may no longer be selected with "select all", only the XML editor works.