Comment 0 for bug 919176

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Adrien Cordonnier (adrien-cordonnier) wrote :

Tested with Inkscape 0.48.1, Windows 7 Professional 64 bits.

According to the following examples, the radial gradients (<svg:radialGradient>) are not imported correctly (not rendered) when combined with a clip path (<svg:clipPath>). Ungrouping all the groups of the PDF may eventually recover the radial gradients.

1. Importation fails for the radial gradients of the following PDF file:$File/OuvragesMaritimes2010Vf.pdf
Import page 1, the radial gradient from the logo is not rendered.
Open the XML Editor (Shift+Ctrl+X)
Ungroup all groups one by one (Shift+Ctrl+G).
After you have ungrouped elements from the logo, you can notice with the gradient tool that they indeed have a radial gradient associated but the gradient is located far on the right.

2. Importation succeeds for the radial gradient of the following PDF file:
Import page 1, the radial gradient from the logo has been correctly imported.

3. Two files with the same logo, one correctly imported, the other not:
Import page 1, the radial gradient from the red logo (grey circle) has been correctly imported.
Import page 7 (last page), the radial gradient from the red logo (grey circle) is not rendered.
Open the XML Editor (Shift+Ctrl+X)
Ungroup all groups one by one (Shift+Ctrl+G). It may take several minutes.
As you ungroup, you will see grey objects with radial gradient appearing. The radial gradients are correctly located
The grey circle is in group "g702".