Comment 0 for bug 882043

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eirik hanssen (eirikhanssen79) wrote :

Inkscape 0.48.1 r9760

Using Ubuntu linux 10.04
Standard hp 3 button cord mouse with mouse wheel
Cintiq 21 UX with wacom pen

Is there no way to disable the zoom on the middle mouse button click?
I tried to google it, read through insckape manual, browsed though the inkscape configuration files, but could not find a way to disable zoom on the middle mouse button click in inkscape. When searching I found someone else who also wanted to disable zoom from the middle mouse button but couldn't find out how:

An option I like very much is make mouse the mouse wheel scroll by default., and use the middle button to pan the canvas when dragging. Then it is not necceceary to also have zoom on middle mouse button click. This button should be possible to redifine to do something else. I have found no way to disable the zoom from the middle mouse button.

It would be nice to be able to redefine all actions/hotkeys like it is possible in Gimp.

Problem 1:
When using Cintiq 21 UX, I use the button on the side of the pen as a middle mouse button to drag the canvas. But every time I do so inkscape also zooms in (the middle mouse click is sendt even if I use it to drag). Then the canvas 'jumps' off screen, so that I have to zoom out, pan and zoom in again. This makes it in effect impossible to use the pan function with the side buttons on the wacom pen.

Sometimes when I want to pan with the mouse, I zoom in when it isn't my intention. This problem is worse when working with worn out mice that will send a click when you want to drag. When I was an Inkscape beginner I didn't know that the middle button also had zoom function and this was very frustrating.