Comment 16 for bug 855839

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su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

> the easy fix was to make snapping to such clipping or mask paths optional
> (…)
> Please test and let me know if it isn't working as expected for some reason.

No new issues noticed so far - many thanks for adding this new option. IMHO it's in the right place - stored with each document and not globally, and not on the tool bar itself (I'd rather favor the toggle 'Only snap the node closest to the pointer' to be added to the toolbar ;) ).

When testing with snapping to clip-paths enabled, I notice the same issues with intersections as mentioned here:
and I'm surprised how much snapping to intersections (specially if one of the intersecting segments is a curve) depends on the zoom level (with regular paths as well as clip-paths): the closer I zoom in, the more path intersections are detected as snap targets - this is with r10672 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 (i386), optimized build, both with my usual preferences as well as the default ones.

Do we have a report tracking issues with path intersections as snap targets? Bug #847457 is 'Fix Committed' (path - guides intersection), as is this one here (optionally snap to intersections with clip-paths). Maybe <> should be filed as new report…