Comment 9 for bug 814457

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Diederik van Lierop (mail-diedenrezi) wrote : Re: [Bug 814457] Re: Weird snapping toggling

On 08/28/2011 06:08 AM, ~suv wrote:
> Re: snapping to paths vs snapping to path intersections
> @Diederik - many thanks for separating the sources/targets for paths and
> intersections in r10585! I'd like to add a loosely related question:
> There appear to be certain node snapping sources/targets which are always active now and can't be toggled off, which may interfere e.g. when snapping nodes to path only:
> - 'corner' of rectangles
> - 'quadrant point' of ellipses/circles
> These snap sources/targets are also always snapping to the grid and guides (enabled by the group toggle 'Snap nodes, paths and handles'). When snapping to path, this prevents to "freely" snap to path near a corner point of a rectangle or a quadrant point of an ellipse (no problem after converting the shapes to path).
> My question: is this intentional? Could corners and quadrant points be
> covered by cusp and smooth nodes

That's been fixed (rev. #10588). Things like this have become very easy
with the refactored snapping code :-).

We still have the corners of images though, which only & always snap
when the "others" group has been enabled. I don't think these deserve a
separate button, and these cannot be tied to any of the other buttons in
that "others" group. It should however stay in that group, IMHO. We
can't put them in the bbox group because these points don't coincide
with the corners of the bbox if the image has been rotated. We could put
them in the nodes/paths group, but an image doesn't have a stroke. Maybe
I should just remove snapping of image corners completely from Inkscape?
If needed, one can always draw a rectangle around an image and have that
snap. I don't think this feature is being used all that much, or maybe
even no one has even discovered it ;-)

> <off-topic>
> Any thoughts about adding a 'perpendicular/tangential to path' snap target? The math must be available - at least for LPEs (for a demo, see<> by prokoudine, from<>)
> </off-topic>

Well, that would be a completely new feature. Currently we only have
points as snap targets. Tangential snapping however requires lines as
snap targets. Besides, it would be relatively easy to have that
implemented for translating objects using the selector tool, but it
would become already a bit more complicated for stretching or skewing of
objects, as the angles of the lines will start to change. I don't think
all the math is already there. And what about the drawing of Bezier
paths? It's quite challenging to implement this all across inkscape,
that's why I've been putting this off. If I start implementing this for
translations and straight lines, then there's no way back for me when
our dear users start asking for more ;-)