Comment 48 for bug 792115

Revision history for this message
Alex Valavanis (valavanisalex) wrote :

OK, I *think* I might have a clue about the issues reported above...

* Upstream commit 94FD2 (2010-04-24) [1] added a debug message "Notify long_name: ...". This was merged into Inkscape trunk with r10794. The message was removed in upstream E81A1 (2010-06-22) [2] and merged into Inkscape trunk with r10794.

* Upstream commit 7399A (2010-06-26) [3] introduced a bug,[4] in which the return value of the gdl_dock_object_child_placement function was potentially lost. This was merged into Inkscape trunk with r10794. The bug was fixed upstream in commit 73852 (2011-03-23)[5]. I have committed the fix in r10796, but I'm on a really crappy machine at the minute so I can't do any rigorous testing for a few days. Please let me know if the issue is fixed in trunk.
