Comment 4 for bug 779969

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

Please add information about OS/platform and Inkscape version.
Which PDF viewer did you use to verify the content?

(Apple's preview renders your PDF file as expected, whereas evince 2.30.3 renders the strokes with gradients incorrectly, see attached screenshot).

The same incorrct rendering in evince occurs when Inkscape uses cairo 1.10.2 or cairo 1.11.2 (snapshot).

The same error happens when the svg file is converted to PDF using 'rsvg-convert' (from librsvg), which indicates that this is an upstream cairo or poppler bug and can't be addressed in Inkscape's code base.

Possibly same issue as reported in
Bug #543279 “Unfilled rectangle with gradient on stroke becomes filled in PDF”