Comment 1 for bug 774467

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

> a straight line (bezier curve)

Is this limited to horizontal / vertical lines?

Could you please attach a sample SVG and provide detailed 'steps to reproduce', as well as expected result & actual result?
It would also be important to know about your current settings for
- Tools > Bounding box mode
- Transform > Scale stroke width
- Snapping
- Inkscape version ('Help > About Inkscape')

Possibly has the same underlying issue as bug #706509.

On the other hand, if this is about editing straight horizontal / vertical lines, you can always adjust the stroke width itself (Fill & Stroke > Stroke style) and use the node tool to adjust the end nodes (i.e. edit the geometry and attributes of the path directly instead of stretching or scaling the visual bounding box of the selected path).