Comment 12 for bug 669748

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

A) PostScript level:
'ps-level.patch' tested successfully on OS X 10.7.5 with Inkscape 0.48+devel r12311 (using the two additional diffs as described above):

New PostScript level command line switches work as expected:
$ inkscape -f 669748-solid-gradient.svg -P --export-ps-level=2
$ inkscape -f 669748-solid-gradient.svg -P --export-ps-level=3

B) PDF version:
The new PDF version command line switches from <lp:~schwieni/inkscape/inkscape> produce warnings or fail:
$ inkscape -f 1173776.svg -A 1173776-PDF_1.5.pdf --export-pdf-version="PDF 1.5"
$ inkscape -f 1173776.svg -A 1173776-PDF_1.4.pdf --export-pdf-version="PDF 1.4"

Sample error messages (vary depending on whether an export option is already stored in the prefs or not, and the stored value):
** (inkscape:90326): WARNING **: desired PDF export version "PDF 1.4" not supported (hint: input the exact string found in pdf export dialog in the command line), using: PDF-1.4 instead!
** (inkscape:17237): WARNING **: desired PDF export version "PDF 1.5" not supported (hint: input the exact string found in pdf export dialog in the command line), using: PDF-1.5 instead!
** (inkscape:17181): WARNING **: desired PDF export version "PDF-1.4" not supported (hint: input the exact string found in pdf export dialog in the command line), using: PDF-1.5 instead!
** (inkscape:17238): WARNING **: desired PDF export version "PDF-1.5" not supported (hint: input the exact string found in pdf export dialog in the command line), using: PDF-1.4 instead!

1) The warnings are contradicting in itself and with regard to the help and manual text
2) The warnings only disappear and a correct PDF version is exported, if the same version was used last time via GUI (i.e. are already stored in the preferences file), and the actual value (not the GUI text) is used on the command line.

Proposing to either
- revert the duplicate status of bug #1173776, so that issues encountered with the PDF command line options from the merge proposal <lp:~schwieni/inkscape/inkscape> can be discussed/tracked separately
- use vinipsmaker's solution after it has been updated to use the full PDF version (major.minor) instead of minor only (choosing the PDF version works as expected if using the current proposal from <lp:~vinipsmaker/inkscape/bug669748>)