Comment 0 for bug 649441

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Craig Marshall (craig9-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

Currently, extension dialogs that display a Live Preview checkbox default to non-modal. This means the main inkscape window can still be interacted with. When this checkbox is ticked, the dialog becomes modal, allowing the main window to update based on each change of the dialog parameters.

Extension dialogs that don't need to display the live preview checkbox though, are defaulting to non-modal. To make the extension non-modal, you just have to pretend that it can use a live preview checkbox (which would be a bad workaround).

My thoughts are:

a) It is more useful (and no less useful) to have non-modal extension dialogs, meaning you can go back and forth between the work and the dialog without opening and closing anything.

b) It is no risker to have these dialogs non-modal without the live preview checkbox than it is with the live preview checkbox. It makes no difference that I can detect. (Please correct me if I'm wrong).

I have written and attached a patch that implements this, please test it and give me feedback!
