Comment 2 for bug 643093

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

> If I try to export the image to .eps, the data are not visible at all in the resulting file.

The issue with incomplete or empty exports is possibly similar to bug #534679 “Cairo-based export not exporting all elements”: "corrupt" data (e.g. objects with "impossible" geometry/path data/transforms) can cause the rendering to be stopped ("rendering up to, but not including, the first element which has an error") in cairo-based exports.

> sometimes the .pdf files produced by matplotlib do not render correctly in Inkscape
Importing the attached PDF file produces tons of these console messages (which also occur when reopening it in Inkscape after saving as Inkscape SVG):

File display/nr-arena-item.cpp line 323 (?): Assertion item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_BBOX failed