Comment 2 for bug 602526

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

a) SVG fonts
reproduced with Inkscape 0.47 r22583 on OS X 10.5.8
not reproduced with Inkscape 0.47+devel r9586

Exporting 'test.svg' as is with default settings to PDF, Inkscape 0.47 repeats the warning 2543 times:
** (inkscape-bin:53506): WARNING **: Called helperfns_read_number with value==null_ptr, this can lead to unexpected behaviour.

Not sure whether actually having the font 'MyriadPro-Regular' installed would make a difference. Inkscape currently does not render SVG fonts on-canvas yet (only allows to edit/create them).

b) embedded jpeg
Not tested with an embedded jpeg image - do you have another SVG test file for it?