Comment 10 for bug 595312

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Peter Kobel (kobilot) wrote :

For the *.tex -Files your solution is OK. But the includegraphics-command in these files, e.g. \includegraphics{figure.pdf} doesn't need the fileextension: \includegraphics{figure} will work for both: pdf-Latex and plain Latex. So i am able to use plain Latex or pdfLatex and the overwriting-Problem of the tex-files doesn't exist too. One Problem with filenames will persist: if you got a figure.pdf and a figure. png and a figure.jpg pdfLatex will choose the figure.png. Latex processes pictures with the same name but different extensions in the order png-pdf-jpg (the first existing will be used) .

Btw: was it too difficult to use some box like "Do you want to overwrite xyz.tex?"?