Comment 19 for bug 562205

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

> The behavior for constrained snapping should have been improved now

@Diederik -- another question, slightly off-topic for this report maybe (but related constrained snapping and to the recent topic in inkscape-devel -- [fixed] regression for paraxial mode):

When testing the restored paraxial mode in trunk, I noticed a basic difference in snapping behavior compared to previous Inkscape 0.47:

When drawing paraxial lines in Inkscape 0.47 it is possible to 'snap' to a point outside the orthogonal restriction/constraint and have the tool either use the x- or y-coordinate of the snapped point -- allowing to align rectangle shapes and corners of orthogonal path with other objects/nodes or snap targets on grid and guides outside the projected path of the current segment.

In Inkscape 0.48 and current trunk, only the actual position of the next node is snapping i.e. if the constrained orthogonal path direction doesn't happen to cross a snap target, no snapping / aligning of the next corner is possible. IMHO this reduces the usability of the paraxial mode (only closing a path by clicking on the start node works as expected and uses the x- or y-component when inserting the last corner before closing).

Is it possible to restore the old behavior (take x- or -y-coordinate from snapped point under the cursor, not from the node position along the constrined path segment) without breaking other use cases of constrained snapping?

Test case:
1) draw a diagonal line, deselect it
2) set 'Snap nodes and handles' and 'Snap to cusp nodes'
3) draw a path in paraxial mode that complements the diagonal with an orthogonal corner (path with 2 segments):
   - first click snaps to start node,
   - click twice snapping to the end node of the diagonal path.
4) <enter> or right-click to finish the second path

-> works in 0.47 (yes, the first node in the bézier tool doesn't yet snap in 0.47, but that's fixed in 0.48 ;) ),
-> in 0.48+devel r9850 the end node of the diagonal is not used/seen as snap target at all

Tested with 0.47, 0.48 and 0.48+devel r9850 on OS X 10.5.8; default preferences and default A4 template without grid enabled.