Comment 0 for bug 501237

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Rena Kunisaki (i-am-inuyasha) wrote :

Create a layer A with three sublayers X, Y and Z. Find A in the XML editor.

The first oddity (which seems like a bug, but probably just weridness in the SVG spec) is that the children of A are Z, Y, X, not X, Y Z as shown in the layers dialog.

If you try to drag X to above Z, instead, Y and Z switch places. If you try to drag another node from outside of A to above Z, the same happens. Often, these drag attempts simply do nothing - no change, no undo entry, as if you didn't drop it in a valid position, even though the marker indicates the position you dragged it to. This happens every time if X is not present.

The move up/down buttons do rearrange correctly.