Comment 6 for bug 379641

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prkos (prkos) wrote :

LucaDC you directed your last comment at me, as if I offended you somehow. Offending anyone was definitely the last thing on my mind, I only tried to help.

I'm not a developer, I feel privileged to be using such great software for free, but I don't consider myself to be a part of an elite of some kind. It wasn't me personally who decided on anything concerning icons, it wasn't any one person either (you can read the discussions on the nabble forum i linked to), and the discussion still isn't over because 0.47 isn't out yet.

It's good that you gave your opinion, developers need it, and it means you are already contributing. I don't understand what you wrote towards the end about a big software company, how that relates to this issue. Do you feel you will be stuck with Tango and you don't like that design? Developers already agreed that the only way to sort the icon issue is to give people the option to choose. I doubt it will be during installation, I think that a Preferences entry was considered but I don't know how that's going to turn out.

There is one thing where you are completely wrong though - that asking people to contribute is a way to ditch their opinions. If you're not familiar with how open source software is made please read more about it before forming an opinion. There are so many channels where you can voice your opinion about Inkscape matters, this bug tracker being one of them, all opinions are welcome as long as they are communicated politely.

The icons that are default in 0.46 weren't the first icon set in Inkscape, you can see the old ones if you like, they are in a file legacy_icons.svg somewhere in the Inkscape folder. I don't know exactly how and why the current set was made and why it replaced the legacy ones, but I can tell you that a request for Tango icons came from users, and it was also contributed from a user. They wouldn't have it done if it didn't make sense to them right? It wasn't a developer conspiracy lol

Anyway that is the way things work in developing Inkscape, if someone hadn't come forth with an almost finished iconset we wouldn't have that new option now.

I guess the conclusion from this bug report is that more opinions need to be gathered about what iconset should come as default in the new version (maybe even platform dependent).