Comment 85 for bug 375323

Revision history for this message
Min Gi Lee (mbcgoenter) wrote :

this is a little comment on following inkscape's policy, not psfrag.

recently, I gave up to use psfrag (for several reasons,...) and I decided to follow the policy as in the inkscape's wiki pages,

eps+latex, it produces a small latex document, like 'fig.eps_tex'.

one is supposed to use like




I only wanted to put two eps files in same line, i mean two figures to be listed horizontally, but it was not possible and the reason was so funny that

the produced latex file 'fig1.eps_tex' start with the blank line(in fact, after the long comments), the blank line is imported to original tex document that caused to generate another paragraph!

So I erased the blank line and I could put my figures on same line and I believe the produced tex file should erase "this first blank line" to be used in general context.