Comment 0 for bug 311828

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qbit (paulix) wrote :

The problem arises when draw a shape with stroke. For example:
1. Draw a rectangle with 1px stroke.
2. While rectangle tool is selected, set the sizes (W: and H:) in Controls Bar to 30 mm.
3. Choose the Selector Tool.
The sizes displayed in Controls Bar are 30,282 mm.
If I'm converting this object using the "Stroke to Path" function, the sizes displayed are 30,277 mm. So, which are the right sizes?

I'm supposing the second measurement (30,282) includes half of the stroke width converted in mm, but then I don't understand why changing the shape to path gives me 30,277.
Anyway, is a good thing to have sometimes the possibility to see the size including the stroke width, BUT, I'd like to have a toggle button in Controls Bar to switch the dimensions displayed with/without stroke width.