Comment 17 for bug 300888

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su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

On 30/5/10 22:23, Michael wrote:
> Ah...nevermind the separate bug report (yet).

It looks like I made a mistake by marking your initial report as duplicate of #300888: the 'move when copying a group of 3dboxes' issue has been described in the comments of bug #400982 <> which probably is more related to yours than #300888. The issues with 3dboxes (groups, c&p, transforms, dragging etc.) seem so intertwined that I was and still am at a loss how to best handle them in the bug tracker.

But as Albert has commented in several of the 3dbox bug reports he recently closed as 'Fixed', «Any further issues should be reported in a new bug report.»

> I need to clarify something:
> The transforms only fail *after* those objects are copied and pasted.
> So Edit -> Paste must be fixed before filing bug(s) against the
> transforms.

Not quite: a simple 'Paste' _does_ transform the pasted object to the new location under the cursor (if you don't want this, you'd use 'Paste in Place).

The basic new issue IMHO is 'transforming' 3D boxes other than dragging the object with the mouse - interestingly bug #400982 (recently marked as 'Fixed' too) the opposite was mentioned - «the bug shows up only on the mouse release event» <>. Could fixing one issue (transforms by mouse) have caused the other to fail (transforms without mouse)?

>> Can you provides steps to reproduce?
> Inkscape (nightly) 0.47 r9450
> 1. Open the attached svg file.
> 2. Select all objects.
> 3. Object -> Group
> 4. (notice bug #300888 is fixed)


> 5. Object -> Align and Distribute...
> 6. Click button to (horiz. or vert.) center pasted group on page.
> 7. (notice how it works as expected)

Doesn't work for me (r9456): the group (not yet copy&pasted when following your steps) is already centered on the page, and using other 'Align' commands (top, bottom of page) fails. The result is different depending on whether the outline path is part of the group or not :

a) Group of 3dboxes (pipes and junction): multiple 'align to top' operations (or bottom) don't move the 3dboxes at all, but the gradients appear continuously transformed in the same direction and not aligned to the top or bottom page border.

b) Group with 3dboxes and outline path: using the 'align to top' and 'align to bottom' operations there are 3 states instead of 2 for the outline path (top, middle, bottom) when switching between aligning to top or bottom. The 3dboxes again don't move at all. The gradients don't move endlessly into the same direction but also alternate between 3 different locations.

> 8. Edit -> Copy
> 9. (notice bug #586625 is fixed)


> 10. Edit -> Paste
> 11. (BUG! objects relative positions and gradients change)

'transform' incorrect. ('Paste' moves pasted objects to a new location under the cursor)

> 12. Object -> Align and Distribute...
> 13. Click button to (horiz. or vert.) center pasted group on page.
> 14. (BUG! transforms to the bugged objects now apply to their gradients)

'transform' fails. (Same as in step 7)

Incorrect/failing transforms of 3D boxes (unless dragging with the mouse) can be reproduced without any grouping or copy&pasting with a single new 3dbox (with or without custom gradients) in a new default document.

The issue with the misplaced gradients (inside nested groups) does make this bug evident, but AFAIU could have its own underlying issues with (preserved) transforms (and inside groups).