Comment 15 for bug 300888

Revision history for this message
Michael (null-pointer-us) wrote :

Ah...nevermind the separate bug report (yet).

I need to clarify something:

The transforms only fail *after* those objects are copied and pasted.

So Edit -> Paste must be fixed before filing bug(s) against the transforms.

> Can you provides steps to reproduce?

Inkscape (nightly) 0.47 r9450

1. Open the attached svg file.
2. Select all objects.
3. Object -> Group
4. (notice bug #300888 is fixed)
5. Object -> Align and Distribute...
6. Click button to (horiz. or vert.) center pasted group on page.
7. (notice how it works as expected)
8. Edit -> Copy
9. (notice bug #586625 is fixed)
10. Edit -> Paste
11. (BUG! objects relative positions and gradients change)
12. Object -> Align and Distribute...
13. Click button to (horiz. or vert.) center pasted group on page.
14. (BUG! transforms to the bugged objects now apply to their gradients)