Comment 4 for bug 249422

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Pablo Trabajos (pajarico) wrote :

I'm on Gentoo. I'm not running multiple monitors in xinerama or twinview. I do have however a TV-OUT but it was disabled at the time of testing this (if the TV is not plugged the server only creates one screen).
Maybe is WM thing, don't know. Currently it makes impossible to use Inkscape with a floating toolbar because it falls behind when you click on the canvas (it happens with the three toolbars).

> One question is what details can get this to happen on Linux.
1- Drag a toolbar so is not docked.
2- Click on the main window.
3- The undocked toolbar goes behind the main window.

>Another question is if the floating toolbar actually went away, if it was merely hidden behind other windows, or if it moved screens/locations.
It is hidden behind. At first I thought it disappeared because there was no taskbar button (which is fine).
