Comment 0 for bug 232085

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Troy James Sobotka (troy-sobotka) wrote :

Summary: Occasional use of the "Calligraphy Tool" etching ability to draw concurrent lines (Accessed via CTRL on a given stroke) will occasionally result in one of the two following incorrect responses:
  1) No stroke being drawn at all, despite the appearance that the tool is behaving correctly.
  2) Snapping away from the etching tool 'snap' circle. The net result is that the stroke doesn't contour along the source path and the etch target circle simply turns red.

Frequency: Infrequently (1/5 trials versus manifestations)

Platform: Linux amd64 (Ubuntu 8.04)

Version: Inkscape 0.46+devel, built May 14 2008

Additional Information: Attaching a screenshot is nigh on impossible as I am using up all of my hands to press the etching CTRL key as well as using my left hand to draw using my stylus. This is an infrequent problem.