Comment 61 for bug 187290

Revision history for this message
Ulferikson (ulferikson) wrote :

Looks good. A few comments:
1) the "series" file contains a few TODO points that needs to be commented out or the script fails.
2) All patches can be applied automatically! :)
3) build.xml still doesn't have a line for pythonw.exe
4) It doesn't build for me since all _wspawn* are missing in the MinGW bundle I use.

(5. Less important, since we set PATH in the environment now, but the current code in registrytool,cpp doesn't do any good (but also no harm). AppPath has to be set in HKLM to work, but this isn't possible for all users and in that case any failure messages should be written to stderr or scripts will fail due to the unexpected messages on stdout. I think this has been fixed in trunk?)