Comment 69 for bug 179988

Revision history for this message
Rygle (rygle) wrote :

Albin, I think you've solved the crash. Great work!

I patched the latest 0.46 release SVN (17916 I think it was) using both the above patches, built it and had no crashes printing docs with text. It would be good if a few others could do the same thing and test with a range of documents and fonts.

I realised that I put in some bad information last time - the draw-freely.svg file fonts have been converted to paths. So I think it is clear that fonts are the cause of the crash.

So if the crash is really fixed, here's where I think we are at with this bug.
* Things still printing small and with blocks of white or black when printing vector.
* Everything prints fine when printing as bitmap, but huge spool files and takes a loooong time.