Comment 111 for bug 179988

Revision history for this message
Rygle (rygle) wrote :

Here's the test case for the error I mentioned a few posts ago (

It seems to be caused by radial gradients. There are two errors (see above), and I can isolate it so that only one occurs if the radial gradient is off page when printing.

Here's the steps;
1. The test document is landscape. Print as portrait (with the radial gradient off page) and you'll get one error - File: cairo-win32-printing-surface.c, Line:1253, Expression: _cair_win32_printing_surface_operation_supported (surface, op, source)

2. print as landscape, with the radial gradient on page, and you'll get both the above and also the second - File: cairo-paginated-surface.c, Line:359, Expression: status!= CAIRO_INT_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED

3. Delete either object and no errors occur.

4. The backtraces are the same as in my previous post.